Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hybrid Mom Magazine

Hybrid Mom magazine has become a staple in my house. I pick up free copies at our local Gymboree play and music center and it has such great articles about motherhood, working, and lifestyle. I believe it was created to address working moms but it really is a great and inspirational magazine for every mom. The articles are fun, light-hearted, and non-judgmental. It doesn't make you feel inadequate, like you're not doing everything "by the book" (like some other parenting mags do). They now also have a website, with lots of great info. There you can also subscribe to the mag for a nominal fee (think it's like $9.95/yr). Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Happy Reading! http://www.hybridmom.com/

1 comment:

MyRibbonFix said...

I love the Hybrid Mom Mag. I would love to advertise in it one day!